OpenFC - an Open FPGA Cluster Toolkit


Checking out the source tree

The source tree is available from our subversion repository:

% svn co src

Inside the source tree, there are:

Hardware setup

To Prepare FPGA bitstream:

  1. Launch Vivado design suite. 2018.3 or later is required.
  2. Create a new project. The setup script will override the device selection, so you don't have to choose the correct device part # at this point.
  3. Choose Tools -> Run Tcl Script, then open src/tcl/kc705.tcl. Tcl script loads everything you need
    • If your Vivado is newer than 2018.3, open Report -> Report IP status, then check all IPs and do "Upgrade Selected" or you'll get errors on the implementation process.
  4. Click "Generate Bitstream," then you'll get a configuration bitstream for the KC705 card.
  5. Plug the KC705 board into the host's PCIe slot, power the host&card up, then write bitstream. Using different PCs for Vivado and FPGA host is strongly recommended because we sometimes need to reboot the FPGA host.

This design contains a stream PE that just passes the input stream through.

Driver setup

You'll need RIFFA driver and (user API library).

% cd src/host/riffa-driver
% make
% sudo make install

And if you want to enable all users to access the FPGA without root privilege, write /etc/udev/rules.d/99-riffa.rules:

KERNEL=="riffa", MODE="777", GROUP="root"

After you reboot the FPGA host, you'll find /dev/riffa.

Run test program

A stream loopback example is found in src/host .

% cd src/host
% gcc simple-loopback.c fpga-tools-riffa.c fpga-tools.c -lpthread -lriffa
% ./a.out
FDs: o1 xx, o2 xx, i xx
PCIe loopback

If any error is found in the returning stream, the values will be dumped on the screen.

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